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The Longevity by Design charrette is a joint initiative of  The University of Queensland ‘s Healthy Ageing Initiative and DMA Engineers to rethink the future of senior living design.

We bring together people from the built environment sector, private and community-based organisations, government bodies and educational institutions to challenge the way we currently design communities and buildings for life in later years.

The charrette format involves tackling a design challenge around a particular topic or situation. It is a collaboration to generate ideas and innovative thinking.

Longevity by Design 2021 was the second Longevity by Design event. It was held at the University of Queensland on 1 November 2021, with the follow up pitching breakfast on 10 November 2021.

The theme for Longevity by Design 2021 was FEELS LIKE HOME: Designing pandemic-proof residential aged care that feels like home.


 Follow us for news and updates about Longevity by Design.